
çin şiiri/ chinese poem

akrilik, markör, mavi-siyah mürekkep, kendi yaptığım ıstampa.
"Burada, sınırda, düşen yapraklar var,
Tüm komşularım barbar,
Ve sen, sen de bin mil uzaktasın
Yine de masamda daima iki fincan var."

(618–907 yılları arasında yazılmış, Tang Hanedanı'na ait)
acrylic, marker, blue-black ink, stamp that i have carved.
"Here, at the frontier, there are falling leaves,
Although my neighbors are all barbarians,
And you, you are a thousand miles away
There are always two cups on my table." 

(written between the years 618–907, during Tang Dynasty)

6 yorum:

  1. What a wonderful poem, and I love the tangerine words.

  2. Thank you very much. This poem really touches my heart every time i read it. So old yet so peaceful and hopeful...

  3. This is an absolut gorgeous artwork ! I really love how you interpreted this fantastic poem!
    Greetings to Izmir!

    Thank you very much for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey Challenge!

  4. Thank you Susie. Greetings to Austria :)

  5. Excellent page with a fantastic poem!

  6. Thank you Margik. Somehow the words matched with the leaves, as if coincidentally.


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